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It's Time to Shine: Set the Caged Tiger Free! S1E2

It's Time to Shine: Set the Caged Tiger Free!

Reclaim your power and reach your potential by being free to be authentically you.

· 06:55


Welcome to the Reclaim Your A-Game podcast. I’m your host, Christine Franklyn, and today I have a question for you:

Do you feel like you’re free to enjoy life the way you want?

Do you feel like you’re free to be yourself at all times in all situations?

If you’re thinking “not always,” you’re definitely not alone. I have to check myself on this regularly and based on psychological findings, this type of full-fledged freedom doesn’t come naturally to most of us.

Since I've always placed a premium on the need to express myself and live my life on my own terms, I discovered three straightforward steps anyone can take to avoid feeling trapped in a life, or in situations, that don't fit who we really are.

Sit tight, I'll share those three steps with you in just a few minutes.

But first, let me address a question some of you may have. Is freedom really that important, or is this some unattainable self-help notion?

Well, you tell me. Would you like to feel free to make choices that are emotionally helpful and boost your sense of well-being and self-confidence? Do you think it's important to make this the year you truly shine and feel free to live a more joyful life?

Here’s the thing. We all have freedom of choice or free will but freedom takes courage because exercising it often comes with consequences that may be uncomfortable or even painful, in some cases. Take my ancestors, for example, who chose to revolt or try their best to escape rather than be subjected to the dehumanizing bondage of slavery for the rest of their lives.

Today in many places, maybe even in the country where you live, basic human freedoms are being trampled on as we speak. And the courage shown by those who stand up against these injustices is the same type of fortitude you'll need if you want to freely enjoy all that life has to offer you on your unique journey.

Yes, it's ironic that freedom isn't free after all. It takes conscious effort and firm decisions, to feel the energizing power of being yourself without any major constraints yet it's so worth it.

If I asked in which area of your life do you most want to feel free, you might start to imagine the life you could have if you achieve financial freedom. We all want that, I'm sure but if it takes you a while to get there? What will your life be like in the meantime? In fact, you might be missing out on the other type of freedom that will get you to financial freedom faster and that’s mental freedom.

The vast majority of us start adulthood in a mental prison that we're not even aware of. And whether we come up with an escape plan or give ourselves a life sentence is up to us. This mental prison was built with the ideals, the definitions, the standards and emotions that we carry from our childhood. It really is a heavy load. These are the building blocks of what can be seen as a prison or a cage that’s keeping us trapped. It separates us from the person you were meant to be.

When I thought about this concept and looked at certain aspects of my life many years ago, I realised that I was like a caged tiger, pacing in my cage, waiting to be called onto the circus stage to perform before returning to my cage and starting the whole cycle all over again.

And you know what? Even when I had a supposedly secure managerial job – we all know by now that job security is a myth. Even in that job which I loved for the most part, the job or the money isn't what brought true happiness. You know what does? Mental and emotional freedom.

Now I'm not suggesting that you throw all caution and all your inhibitions to the wind without considering the very real consequences. Don’t tell your boss to stuff it where the sun doesn't shine and walk out without a clear income generation plan to feed yourself or your children if you have them. Or don’t blurt out your thoughts in hurtful ways to those you care about or anyone for that matter. You don't want to put that negative energy out there, which will circle right back to you.

And when we anticipate what others may say or think about us, you need to decide whether this will hold you back or not. The weight you give it may vary from situation to situation and will determine how you respond inwardly, maybe even outwardly. For example, do you get defensive in the face of criticism? We're all human and we want to belong and to be liked but sometimes we need to decide if that’s more important than being free to be authentically you.

In fact, when you choose to surround yourself with like-minded people, rather than fitting in with the crowd, you’ll be much happier in your newfound freedom and this will help you stand in your power and soar to new heights. Deep down, we all want to feel free to be ourselves, so how do we actually do this since it's not our default state?

In three straightforward steps:

Step One - Identify the situations in which you don’t feel free to be yourself or don’t say what you’ve always wanted to say.

Step Two – Think of what you’d like to do or say the next time you’re in these situations. And remember that you owe it to yourself to say what you mean and act in line with your beliefs.

Step Three – Accept that change doesn’t come easy and instead of finding your voice, you might have a lump in your throat or butterflies in your stomach, so be prepared. Take the time to appreciate yourself and recognize that nothing and no one is more important than the freedom to be wholly and wonderfully you. Celebrate yourself every day. Try looking in the mirror and saying, “I’m free to be me!”

I’ve given you enough to think about for now. Thank you for joining me today. Make sure you subscribe so you never miss an episode. This is Christine Franklyn saying just be yourself. It's so freeing. Until next time…

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