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It's Time to Shine: Set the Caged Tiger Free! S1E2

It's Time to Shine: Set the Caged Tiger Free!

Reclaim your power and reach your potential by being free to be authentically you.

· 06:55

The reason you don't feel free to do and say what you've always wanted to is that you're worried about other people's perceptions of you. There it is - the plain and simple reality. Having said that, there's a need for balance because there are consequences for every action you take and every word you utter. 

Yet there's no denying that the freedom to be at ease as you move through life feels so good. And you honour yourself and stop playing small when your life reflects what you believe and value.

In this episode, host Christine Franklyn focuses on the rewards of being free to be authentically you and provides three straightforward steps to help you find the mental and emotional freedom that can lead to financial freedom and the success you've been aiming for. 

She shares vital tips that will help you:
  • Reclaim your power
  • Reach your fullest potential
Grab a free checklist and guide to Double Your Energy & Double Your Results - https://iamhealthywealthy.com/energy

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Connect with Christine on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinefranklyn/

Get vitality-boosting action steps and inspiration on the Instagram page - https://instagram.com/thegoodlife.bb

Catch her on Clubhouse - https://www.clubhouse.com/@christine246

Follow her on Twitter - https://twitter.com/cfthewriter

Check out her Health & Fitness section of Podcast Magazine - https://podcastmagazine.com/

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